Original Text
Trusmi adalah istilah yang merujuk pada batik khas Cirebon yang berpusat di
daerah Trusmi, Kabupaten Cirebon. Batik Cirebon memiliki ciri khas batik pesisiran
dengan keunikannya berupa motif dan warna yang tentunya berbeda dengan batik
lain di Indonesia. Keindahan Batik Trusmi telah dikenal luas hingga ke
mancanegara sehingga menjadi satu kebanggaan bagi masyarakat Cirebon. Mengenal
dan memperkenalkan Batik Trusmi bisa dimulai dari sejarah Batik Trusmi itu
Cirebon sebagai sebuah industri telah tertelusuri oleh beberapa sejarawan dan
seniman hingga ke akhir abad 19 atau awal abad 20. Meningkatnya ekonomi Cirebon
kala itu menjadi salah satu penyebab lahirnya Batik Cirebon sebagai sebuah
industri. Pun demikian, sejarah Batik Cirebon telah tercatat hingga di masa
Kerajaan Cirebon di abad 14. Berbagai cerita dan legenda yang lahir dan beredar
mengenainya cukup menarik untuk disimak.
asal muasal kata Cirebon dan Grage, ada berbagai versi mengenai kata Trusmi
yang tercatat dalam tulisan-tulisan maupun tutur kata masyarakat Cirebon. Satu
hal yang pasti, masyarakat Trusmi mempercayai dengan keyakinannya bahwa mereka
merupakan keturunan dari Mbah Buyut Trusmi, Ki Buyut Trusmi, atau Pangeran
Walangsungsang Cakrabuana atau lebih dikenal sebagai Mbah Kuwu Cerbon.
Saat ini, Trusmi adalah sebuah nama desa di wilayah kecamatan Plered, Kabupaten
Cirebon yang mana terdapat komplek situs pemakaman Ki Buyut Trusmi. Untuk
mengenang dan menghormatinya, setiap tahun terdapat ajang yang dikenal dengan
sebutan Trusmian, merupakan upacara khidmat di situs pemakaman Ki Buyut Trusmi
yang kemudian diramaikan oleh ajang budaya festival arak-arakan dan pacuan
kuda. Ada juga upacara Ganti Welid (ganti rumput) dan Ganti Sirap (ganti atap)
setiap empat tahun.
satu versi tentang Trusmi dapat dibaca dari Sejarah Caruban Kawedar berjudul
“Sambetipun Sajarah Trusmi” yang ditulis dalam bahasa Cirebon, diterjemahkan
secara bebas oleh Mustaqim Asteja :
setelah syiar Islam telah menyebar keseluruh nusantara pulau Jawa, kemudian
Walisongo menyatukan tekad bermusyawarah bertempat di Masjid agung Sang
Ciptarasa Cirebon. Kebetulan saat itu Sunan Gunung Jati mempunyai putra sir
(putra gaib) yang bernama Bung Cikal. Pangeran Cakrabuwana “Ki Kuwu
Cerbon Kedua” berniat melepas jabatannya sebagai pemimpin atau “umaro”
untuk menekuni agama sebagai pandita atau “ulama” sekaligus “mong-mong”
mendidik Bung Cikal putra Sunan Gunung Jati. Pangeran Cakrabuwana
membangun padukuhan ke arah barat sekitar tujuh kilometer dari keraton Pakungwati
Cirebon, yang kemudian bernama Astana Kramat Trusmi berasal dari sebuah balong
kramat yang airnya sangat jernih, dari atas balong hinga dasarnya terlihat
kerikil dan pasir yang airnya terus menerus semi “mengalir” sehingga dinamakan
“Terussemi” atau “Trusmi”
lain menyebutkan Bung Cikal atau Pangeran Manggarajati yang diasuh oleh Mbah
Kuwu Cerbon atau Mbah Buyut Trusmi, sejak kecil telah terlihat kesaktiannya.
Salah satu kebiasaan Bung Cikal adalah sering merusak tanaman yang ditanam oleh
Mbah Buyut Trusmi, namun setiap tanaman yang dirusak oleh Bung Cikal segera
tumbuh dan bersemi kembali sehingga masyarakat menamakan pedukuhan tersebut
Trusmi yang berarti “Terus Bersemi”.
lagi cerita tentang keindahan dan keterampilan hasil karya pembatik Trusmi pada
jaman Kesultanan Cirebon. Kala itu, sang Sultan memerintahkan perajin batik
Trusmi untuk membuatkan sebuah kain batik hanya dengan melihatnya saja, tanpa
diperbolehkan membawa kain batik tersebut sebagai contoh. Ketika waktu yang
telah disepakati tiba, perajin batik Trusmi membawakan kain batik hasil
karyanya untuk dipersembahkan kepada sang Sultan. Sebagai bukti kemahirannya,
pembatik Trusmi meminta kepada Sultan untuk membungkus kain batik milik Sultan
yang asli dengan kain batik duplikatnya. Kemudian Sultan diminta untuk bisa
membedakan batik asli dan batik duplikat. Seperti diketahui, sang Sultan tidak
bisa membedakan batik asli dan batik duplikat dikarenakan identiknya kedua
batik tersebut. Sang Sultan pun mengakui bahwa batik hasil karya perajin batik
Trusmi dinilai sangat apik karena dapat membuat ‘copy’ yang sama persis tanpa
membawa contoh aslinya.
Source :
by Google Translate:
Batik Trusmi
Batik Trusmi is a term that refers to the Cirebon batik centered in the area Trusmi, Cirebon. Batik Cirebon has a typical coastal batik motif with its unique form and color which is different than other batik in Indonesia. The beauty of Batik Trusmi has been widely known to foreign countries so that it becomes a pride for the people of Cirebon. Identify and introduce Trusmi Batik can be started from the history of Batik Trusmi itself.
Batik Cirebon as an industry have traceable by some historians and artists to the late 19th or early 20th century economic Increased Cirebon when it became one of the causes of the birth of Cirebon batik as an industry. Even so, the history of Batik Cirebon has been recorded in the past to the Kingdom of Cirebon in the 14th century The stories and legends are born and circulate about it enough to be interesting.
As the origins of the word and Grage Cirebon, there are various versions of the word Trusmi recorded in the writings and speech community Cirebon. One thing is for sure, people Trusmi trust with the belief that they are the descendants of Mbah Buyut Trusmi, Ki Buyut Trusmi, or Prince Walangsungsang Cakrabuana or better known as Mbah Kuwu Cerbon. Currently, Trusmi is a village in the name of Plered subdistrict, Cirebon that where there are complex Ki Buyut Trusmi burial sites. To commemorate and honor, every year there is the event known as Trusmian, a solemn ceremony at the burial site of Ki Buyut Trusmi then enlivened by cultural event festival procession and horse races. There are also ceremonies Welid Change (replace grass) and Replace shingles (replace roof) every four years.
One version of Trusmi can be read from the History Caruban Kawedar entitled "Sambetipun sajarah Trusmi" written in Cirebon, freely translated by Mustaqim Asteja:
... Told after the symbols of Islam had spread throughout the archipelago island of Java, then Walisongo unify determination deliberations held at the grand mosque Ciptarasa Cirebon. At the time, Sunan Gunung Jati has a son sir (unseen son) called Bung Cikal. Prince Cakrabuwana "Ki Kuwu Cerbon Both" intend to release his position as the leader or "umaro" to pursue religion as priests or "scholars" as well as "mong-mong" educate Bung Cikal son of Sunan Gunung Jati. Prince Cakrabuwana build hamlets to the west about seven kilometers from the palace Pakungwati Cirebon, which was then named Astana Kramat Trusmi comes from a pond Kramat the water is very clear, from the above balong hinga basically looks gravel and sand where the water is constantly spring "flow" so-called "Terussemi" or "Trusmi"
Another version says Bung Cikal or Prince Manggarajati cared for by Mbah Mbah Buyut Kuwu Cerbon or Trusmi, since childhood has seen its miracle. One of the quirks of Bung Cikal is often damaging crops grown by Mbah Buyut Trusmi, but any plants being attacked by Bung Cikal soon grew and blossomed again so that people call the hamlet Trusmi which means "Keep Bersemi".
There is another story about the beauty and skill work at the time Trusmi batik Cirebon Sultanate. At that time, the emperor ordered batik artisans Trusmi to make a batik cloth just by looking at it, without being allowed to bring batik cloth as an example. When the agreed time arrived, crafters batik cloth batik Trusmi bring their works to be presented to the emperor. As proof of his skill, batik Trusmi asked the Sultan to wrap batik cloth belonging to the Sultan of the original with batik cloth duplicate. Sultan then asked to be able to distinguish the original batik and batik duplicate. As is known, the emperor could not distinguish the genuine batik and batik duplicate identical because both batik. The Sultan also recognize that batik batik artisans work Trusmi rated very slick because it can create a 'copy' the exact same without bringing the original sample.
Edited by me :
Batik of Trusmi
Batik of Trusmi is a term which refers to batik of Cirebon centered at Trusmi area, Cirebon district. Batik of Cirebon has coastal typical motif with its unique form and color which it is different from other batik in Indonesia. The beauty of Trusmi batik has been known widely to foreign countries that it becomes a pride for people of Cirebon. Recognizing and introducing of Trusmi Batik can be started from the history of Trusmi batik itself.
Cirebon batik as an industry has traceable by some historians and artists late 19th or early 20th century. Economy at Cirebon has increased well when it became the one of cause birth of Cirebon batik as an industry. Even, the history of Cirebon batik has been recorded to Kingdom of Cirebon in 14th century. Many stories and legends were born and revolved that quite interesting to be listened
As the origins of the word Cirebon and Grage, there were various versions of the word Trusmi which has recorded in writing and speech community at Cirebon. There is one thing for sure, people of Trusmi trusted with the belief that they were the descendants of Mbah Buyut Trusmi, Ki Buyut Trusmi, or Prince of Walangsungsang Cakrabuana or better known as Mbah Kuwu Cerbon. Nowadays, Trusmi is a village at Plered sub-district, Cirebon where there are complex of Ki Buyut Trusmi burial sites. To commemorate and respect, there was an event known as Trusmian every year that it was a solemn ceremony at burial site of Ki Buyut Trusmi and then it was enlivened by cultural festival procession event and horse races. There were also ceremonies of Welid Change (replace grass) and replace shingles (replace roof) every four years.
One version of Trusmi story can be read from the History of Caruban Kawedar entitled "Sambetipun Sajarah Trusmi" which written in Cirebon language, freely translated by Mustaqim Asteja:
... it has been
told after symbols of Islam had spread throughout to the archipelago island of
Java, then Walisongo unified the determination of deliberations that it held at
grand mosque Ciptarasa Cirebon. At the same time, Sunan Gunung Jati has a son, sir
(unseen son) called Bung Cikal. Prince Cakrabuwana "Ki Kuwu Cerbon Kedua"
intended to release his position as the leader or "umaro" to pursue
religion as a priests or "ulama" as well as "mong-mong" to educate
Bung Cikal. Prince Cakrabuwana built hamlets to the west about
seven kilometers from Pakungwati Cirebon palace which was named Astana Kramat
Trusmi that it came from Kramat pond which its water was very clear, from the
top to the bottom of pond, the gravel and sand can be seen which the water continually
semi "flow" so-called "Terussemi" or "Trusmi"
Another version said that Bung Cikal or Prince of Manggarajati who is cared by Mbah Buyut Kuwu Cerbon or Trusmi has seen his magical ability since childhood. One of habitual of Bung Cikal was often damaging plants that they are grown by Mbah Buyut Trusmi, but some plants that being attacked by Bung Cikal grew and blossomed soon again, so people called the hamlet was Trusmi which means "Terus Bersemi".
There was another story about the beauty and artwork skills at Trusmi Cirebon batik on Sultanate era. In that moment, sultan ordered trusmi batik artisans to make a batik cloth just by looking at it, without being allowed to bring batik cloth as an example. When the agreement was coming, crafters of trusmi batik brought the batik cloth as their works to be presented to sultan. As proof of their masterly skill, crafters of trusmi asked to sultan for wrapped batik cloth belonging of sultan which the original one with the duplicate one. Then, sultan is asked to be able to distinguish the original and duplicate one too. As known, sultan could not distinguish the genuine and duplicate because of both batik were same identically. Finally, sultan recognized that artisans of trusmi batik work is rated neatly and nicely because they could create a 'copy' same exactly without brought original sample.