Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Pembelajaran B. Ing Berbantuan Komputer

Indirect Speech

Hollande said that he had talked the previous day with the British prime minister, as (French Interior Minister) Bernard Cazeneuve had with his British counterpart, so that the British could go to these centres with these minors and took their share (of responsibility) to welcome them in Britain.

He said that they were honing the businesses that they’re in and making them as efficient, as profitable as possible, while also investing very pointedly and very wisely, they believe, in things this would enhance customer experience and create lasting businesses for them down the line.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Pembelajaran B. Ing Berbantuan Komputer

Direct Speech

"I talked yesterday with the British prime minister, as (French Interior Minister) Bernard Cazeneuve did with his British counterpart, so that the British can go to those centres with those minors and take their share (of responsibility) to welcome them in Britain," Hollande said.

He said “We are honing the businesses that we’re in and making them as efficient, as profitable as possible, while also investing very pointedly and very wisely, we believe, in things that will enhance customer experience and create lasting businesses for us down the line.”

Aprillia Prihartini (11613221)

Friday, September 30, 2016

Pembelajaran Berbantuan Komputer

2.   If baby geese is hatched in the absence of their mother, they will follow the first
                      A                                         B                 C           D
The answer is A, it should be "are" because the subject is plural

 2.      The  sheepdog is chasing after  the sheeps which is  heading over the hill.
           A              B                               C                D
The answer is C, it should be "are" because the objects is plural

 1.      Daniel said that if he had to do  homework tonight, he wouldn’t have been
                        A                          B                     C
able to attend  the concert.
The answer is C, it should be "wouldn't be", because the form of the sentence is If conditional type 2

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Komunikasi Bisnis

Dalam kesehariannya, banyak orang saling berkomunikasi satu sama lain agar tujuannya bisa tercapai. Mulai dari menyampaikan pesan, saling bercengkrama, bertransaksi, dll. Tentunya, dalam berkomunikasi haruslah jelas dalam menyampaikan suatu hal agar dapat dimengerti oleh lainnya.

Dalam memenuhi tugas yang telah diberikan, disini saya mencoba untuk membuat rancangan mengenai komunikasi bisnis. Salah satunya mengenai berdagang. Tentunya ketika berdagang, salah satu aspek yang paling penting adalah bagaimana cara mempromosikannya. Barang yang akan saya coba dagangkan adalah Mug. Menurut Wikipedia, Mug adalah tipe alat minum sejenis cangkir yang umumnya digunakan untuk meminum minuman panas seperti kopi, teh, atau coklat panas. Atau bisa kita sederhanakan, Mug adalah temannya sejenis gelas.

Mug disini bisa dijadikan sebagai koleksi anda, hadiah untuk orang-orang tersayang, untuk anda pakai, dll. Akan lebih bagus jika anda benar-benar memilikinya karena anda tentunya sudah mempunyai gelas-gelas yang biasa saja dan polos tak ada gambar lucunya. Mug disini bisa didapat oleh kalangan manapun karena anda bisa memesannya dengan jenis mug dengan design gambar anda sendiri sesuai dengan selera anda. Dengan begitu, anda akan senang memilikinya.
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