Tuesday, December 23, 2014


A.    Definition of Youth
In the youth community is one's identity as a potential successor to the ideals of national struggle and human resources for nation building for youth as the hope of the nation can be interpreted that the young master who will control the future.
There are several positions in the youth accountable for public order, among others:
a.       purity idealism
b.      Courage and openness to absorb the values and new ideas
c.       The spirit of devotion
d.      Sepontanitas and dynamics
e.       Innovation and creativity
f.       The desire to immediately realize new ideas
g.      Firmness his promise and desire to show the attitude and personality are independent
h. Still scarcity of experiences, opinions, attitudes and actions with reality.

B.     Socialization of Youth
Socialization is the process that helps individuals through the medium of learning and adjustment, how to act and think that he can play a role and function, both as individuals and as members of society. There are a few things we need to know in socialization, among others: Socialization Process, Media Outreach and Dissemination Objectives.
a.       The process of socialization
The term socialization refers to all the factors and processes that make human beings to live in harmony in the midst of the fabric. The socialization process is what makes a person knows how he should behave in the midst of society and cultural environment. From this process, someone will stain the way of thinking and habits of life.
All citizens undergo a process of socialization, without exception, and the ability to live in the midst of others or follow the norms prevailing in the community. It does not come just when someone is born, but through the process of socialization.
b.      Media Socialization
·         Parents and family
·         Schools
·         Communities
·         Friends play
·         Mass Media.
c.       Main Objective Socialization
·         Individuals must be given knowledge (skills) needed for later life in society.
·         Individuals must be able to communicate effectively and develop abilities.
·         Control of organic functions learned through introspective exercises right.
·         Acting behavior in harmony with the norms or values and fundamental beliefs exist in institutions or group in particular and the general public.
C.     Internalization
Is the process of norms that include societal norms that does not stop until the institutional course, but perhaps these norms ingrained in the soul of the community members.
a.       The classical approach of youth
Seeing that the future development of the young is a good and interesting. Youth is a biological growth phase in a person who is instantaneous and a time will disappear by itself, then the peculiarities that characterized the youth will disappear with the changing age.
According to this classical approach, considered as a group of young men who have their own aspirations as opposed to the aspirations of the people. The next comes the problems of youth frustration and anxiety because their desires are not in line with reality. And there was a conflict in the various forms of process. This is where the turbulent youth to find their identity
b.      In this case the nature of youth in terms of two basic assumptions.
Appreciation of the human development process rather than as a koninum are concatenated but fragmentary, fragmented and each pragmen has its own meaning.
Assumption-life is the position of youth in the direction of his own life. Differences between groups were there, among the older generation and youth, for example, lies only in the degree of the scope of its responsibilities.
c.       The older generation as generations ago (passing generation) are obliged to guide the younger generation as a generation. And the young generation of the full dynamics of life are obliged to fill the accumulator older generation that began to weaken, in addition to reap the fruits of his experience, which has been collected by the experience.
Parties to the older generation can not claim that they are the sole savior of society and the world. see the younger generation as a destroyer established social order, otherwise the younger generation can not escape from the obligation to maintain the world. Thus, the existence of a standardized assessment (standard fixed) who saw the older generation is as heir. Of all sizes and values in society, because it is the youth judge because it tends to deviate from the size and the value as unacceptable. Starting from the fact, that not only the youth but also the older generation must be sensitive to the dynamics of the environment with a good standard size.
With the above opinion it is apparent that the approach ekosferis of youth, that any kind of "disorder" that has so far seems to be patent youth will be better understood as a restlessness of his own society as a whole. In specific again, turmoil youth life today is a response to the environment is changing rapidly.
D.    Youth and Identity
We have seen that the youth or young people are concepts that have always been associated with the problem and the capital charges for the youth. But on the other hand, the youth also face up the issue of such delinquency, disobedience to parents, frustrated, drug addiction, a bleak future. Everything was due to a gap between the desire to expectations with the reality they face.
Young people in every society considered is experiencing the so-called "moratorium". The moratorium is a preparatory period which held the public to allow youths in a given time changes.
According to the basic pattern formation and development of the younger generation that the younger generation can be viewed from various social aspects, namely:
1.      Social psychology
2.      socio-cultural
3.      socioeconomic
4.      sociopolitica

issues concerning young people today are:
a.       Perceived decline in the spirit of nationalism, idealism and patriotism among the younger generation
b.      Less certainly experienced by young people towards their future
c.       Yet the imbalance of young people with a number of educational facilities available
d.      Underemployment and job opportunities.
e.       Lack of nutrients that can inhibit the growth and development of intelligence agencies
f.       Still many marriages of underage
g.      The presence of young people who suffer from physical and mental
h.      Promiscuity
i.        Increased juvenile delinquency, drug abuse
j.        The absence of legislation that carries the younger generation.

The role of youth in society
a.       The role of youth is based on youth efforts to adjust to the environment.
b.      The role of the youth who refuse elements adjust to the environment
c.       Principles of educational
d.      The principle of unity of the nation
e.       The principle of spontaneous
f.       The principle of harmony and integrated
g.      The principle of utilization and functional

Direction Direction and Development of Young Generation
Direction of coaching and youth development has shown the development of harmony and unity of the three-axis orientation that is life.
a.       Orientation upward to God Almighty period.
b.      Orientation in itself
c.       Outward orientation of life in the neighborhood
Role of students in the community
a.       Agents of change
b.      Agents of development
c.       Agent of modernization


Youth is an identity as a potential successor to the ideals of national struggle and human resources for the development of the nation state and religion. In addition, youth / student has a role as an intellectual and as a warrior warrior social namely that the youth in addition to having ideas or ideas that need to be developed while also acting as modifiers of the State and nation. By none other than by the next generation of the youths should memnpunyai science high school way or another, so this nation will advance safe and prosperous.
1.      When compared to the prior generation and the next generation, each generation has a distinctive characteristic pattern or character movement / struggle. Accordingly, since the national revival, in Indonesia has grown and developed three generations of the generation-20s generation 45 and 66 generations, with each characteristic.
2.      There are two regeneration, namely
a.       Natural regeneration takes place. This means that normal walking generation as happened in the world of plant or animal group. This regeneration process runs as mediocre, takes place naturally, not exposed or published.
b.      Regeneration plans, meaning that the regeneration process is truly planned, prepared. In society, primitive tribes, the regeneration process can be standardized within the institution called initiation. Therefore regeneration system like this is more appropriately called regeneration Regeneration. In essence, the regeneration-regeneration system is a process where the leadership cadres of the tribe or nation are trained and prepared as a tribal leader or nation in the next generation. Replacing the older generation. Regeneration-regeneration of a tribe or nation is required to maintain the continuity of existence and continuity of a generation or nation, in addition to ensuring the sustainability faced cultural values ancestors.
3.      For the sake of continuity of generations and leadership of Indonesia has had KNPI and AMPI as container and a communication forum trainer. Forging and scored cadres and leaders of the nation were tough and populist.
4.      Indonesia's young generation began to take part in the regulation of actions Tritura, Supersemar,
5.      The field of education that can sustain development by producing skilled workers in their respective fields can be classified in three areas: formal education, non-formal education and informal education.

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