Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Playing chess is a sport. Isn't it?

In daily life, we need to do sport to make our body healthy. Everyone with their interest have their own fondness in sport like running, jogging, swimming, etc. I have my interest in playing chess. I believe that you think of playing chess is it just a game and it is not kind of sport. I do. But, do you know if playing chess is same with the other sport? No. I know that you will say it. It must be different because when you playing chess then all you can do just sit down and do not do something physically. Of course, it different with sport like swimming that you have to do it hard physically. But, If you playing chess seriously and think hard to make the strategy, you will burn your calories much. Very much. It can be called as a sport because this game burns calories much like the other sports do. Playing chess also need much strong mentality like the champion in the sports have. Playing chess must have good control in emotion with psychology because it have much contribution in it and can't be separated. Strategies you make must have much possibilities because one strategy doesn't enough to make it win.

Magnus Carlsen

My Tuxedo Cat, Kushi

I ever imagined if I had a pet. It could be bird, fish, cat, turtle, etc. The time has answered and something sat in front of my house. I looked at it curiously. It has covered with short fur. It's black and white in colors. I was very grateful because this was a cat which I ever imagined to be had. I've ever seen the cat in the photo album cover with black and white in color and It was so very cute. I felt like someone gave me much money when I was starving so I could buy some food that I liked. I approached to the cat-with medium size. I thought it was a kitten which has been growing up. I tried to pet it smoothly and it just looked at me with lovely big yellow eyes. I went into the house and looked for some food. Fortunately, I found some leftover. I took it carefully and gave it to the cat.

I thought, this cat just ordinary like the other cat. I've ever found some cat on the street with black and white in color but, it has been fascinating me. Because of my curiosity, I tried to search in the internet how much possibility colors that cat could have. The fact that I found was alike with the cat in front of me. It called tuxedo cat. Why it called something like that? How could the cat wear tuxedo? Actually, it just a calling. They are called "tuxedo" cats because they appear to be wearing the type of black tie formal wear commonly known in the United States and Canada as a tuxedo. (wikipedia.org) 


I thought for a while and tried to give it name. I believed this name was suited to it. I named it Kushi. Ku from Kuro and Shi from Shiro. Kuro meant Black and Shiro meant White.


I hoped, Kushi could live longer until it had some cute kittens. Until now, kushi always stay in front of my house and approach to me if I near it. I love it so much. I can't make it to enter my house because my mother dislike a cat. My mother just allowed me to pet the cat in front of the house. But, It's okay as long as I can see it in my daily life.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Original text :

Summer '68 - Pink Flyod

[Verse 1]
Would you like to say something before you leave?
Perhaps you'd care to state exactly how you feel

We say goodbye before we've said hello
I hardly even like you
I shouldn't care at all
We met just six hours ago
The music was too loud

From your bed I gained a day and lost a bloody year

And I would like to know
How do you feel, how do you feel?
How do you feel, how do you feel?

[Verse 2]
Not a single word was said
The night still hid our fears
Occasionally you showed a smile
But what was the need
I felt the cold far too soon
In a room of 95

My friends are lying in the sun
I wish that I was there

Tomorrow brings another town
Another girl like you
Have you time before you leave to greet another man?

Just you let me know
How do you feel, how do you feel?
How do you feel, how do you feel?

[Verse 3]
Goodbye to you
Charlotte Pringle's due
I've had enough for one day

And I would like to know
How do you feel, how do you feel?
How do you feel, how do you feel?

Source : http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/pinkfloyd/summer68.html

Translated by Google Translate:

Musim Panas '68 - Pink Floyd

[Ayat 1]
Apakah Anda ingin mengatakan sesuatu sebelum Anda pergi?
Mungkin Anda ingin mengatakan dengan tepat bagaimana perasaan Anda
Kita mengucapkan selamat tinggal sebelum kita menyapa
Aku bahkan tidak menyukaimu
Seharusnya aku tidak peduli sama sekali
Kami bertemu hanya enam jam yang lalu
Musiknya terlalu keras
Dari tempat tidur saya mendapatkan satu hari dan mengalami tahun yang berdarah

[Paduan suara]
Dan saya ingin tahu
Bagaimana perasaan Anda, bagaimana perasaan Anda?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda, bagaimana perasaan Anda?

[Ayat 2]
Tidak ada satu kata pun yang diucapkan
Malam masih menyembunyikan ketakutan kita
Terkadang Anda menunjukkan senyuman
Tapi apa kebutuhannya
Aku merasakan dinginnya terlalu cepat
Di ruangan 95
Teman-temanku terbaring di bawah sinar matahari
Saya berharap bahwa saya ada di sana
Besok membawa kota lain
Gadis lain sepertimu
Apakah Anda punya waktu sebelum Anda pergi untuk menyapa pria lain?

[Paduan suara]
Hanya Anda membiarkan saya tahu
Bagaimana perasaan Anda, bagaimana perasaan Anda?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda, bagaimana perasaan Anda?

[Ayat 3]
Selamat tinggal untuk kamu
Asal Charlotte Pringle
Aku sudah cukup untuk satu hari

[Paduan suara]
Dan saya ingin tahu
Bagaimana perasaan Anda, bagaimana perasaan Anda?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda, bagaimana perasaan Anda?

Translated by Me:

Musim Panas'68 - Pink Floyd 

[Bait 1]
kamu ingin mengucapkan sesuatu sebelum kamu pergi?
kamu ingin mengatakan sebenarnya apa yang kamu rasakan
Kita mengucapkan selamat tinggal sebelum kita menyapa
Aku bahkan
hampir tidak menyukaimu
Seharusnya aku tidak peduli sama sekali
baru bertemu enam jam yang lalu
Musiknya terlalu keras
Dari tempat tidur
mu, aku mendapatkan hariku dan lupa akan peperangan

aku ingin tahu
Bagaimana perasaan
mu, apa yang kamu rasakan?
Bagaimana perasaan
mu, apa yang kamu rasakan?

Bait 2]
Tidak ada satu
patah kata pun yang terucap
Malam masih menyembunyikan ketakutan kita
kamu tersenyum
Tapi apa
itu dibutuhkan
Dinginnya yang cepat kurasakan
Di ruangan 95
berbaring di bawah sinar matahari
Kuharap, aku ada di sana
Esok yang menuntun ke kota lain
Wanita lain sepertimu
kamu memiliki waktu sebelum kamu pergi untuk menyapa pria lain?

Biarkan aku mengetahui
Bagaimana perasaan
mu, apa yang kamu rasakan?
Bagaimana perasaan
mu, apa yang kamu rasakan?

Bait 3]
Selamat tinggal untukmu
Tepatnya Charlotte Pringle
Cukup untukku satu hari

aku ingin tahu
Bagaimana perasaan
mu, apa yang kamu rasakan?
Bagaimana perasaan
mu, apa yang kamu rasakan?


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Besok! Hammersonic 2017 Akan Bakar Jakarta

Foto: Twitter Hammersonic 

Jakarta - Festival musik metal terbesar di Asia Tenggara, Hammersonic akan kembali digelar. Hammersonic 2017 akan bertempat di Eco Park Ancol dan digelar pada esok hari, Minggu, 7 Mei 2017.

Selama seharian penuh, para metalheads dengan semangat baja akan berpesta bersama. Tahun ini, line up Hammersonic cukup berbahaya.

Kehadiran Megadeth disebut-sebut akan membuat gelaran ini semakin seru. Band metal kawakan asal Amerika Serikat yang baru saja merilis album 'Dystopia' ini memang menjadi salah satu yang paling ditunggu-tunggu penampilannya.

"Tahun ini memang headliner-nya Mengadeth. Mereka adalah salah satu legenda hidup. Semoga semuanya bisa dirangkum di sini keinginan kita," ungkap Stephanus Adjie dari Revision Live Entertaiment di kawasan SCBD, Jumat (5/7/2017).

Tak hanya Megadeth, akan ada pula penampil lainnya. Sebut saja The Black Dahlia Murder, Abbath, Whitechapel, Seringai, Burgerkill, hingga kehadiran band metal asal Bali, Trojan, yang akan tampil di Hammersonic untuk pertama kali.

Di panggung Hammersonic 2017 pula, Suckerhead akan mempersembahkan panggung terakhir di Soul of Steel: Krisna Sadrach Stage.

Source : https://hot.detik.com/music/3493732/besok-hammersonic-2017-akan-bakar-jakarta

By Google Translate

Tomorrow! Hammersonic 2017 Will Burn Jakarta

Jakarta - Southeast Asia's biggest music festival, Hammersonic will be held again. Hammersonic 2017 will take place at Eco Park Ancol and held tomorrow, Sunday, May 7, 2017.

During the whole day, metalheads with a steel spirit will party together. This year, Hammersonic line up is quite dangerous.

The presence of Megadeth mentioned will make this title more exciting. The old metal band from the United States who has just released the album 'Dystopia' is indeed one of the most eagerly awaited appearance.

"This year is indeed Mengadeth's headliner, they are one of the living legends, hopefully everything can be summarized here our wishes," said Stephanus Adjie from Revision Live Entertaiment in SCBD area, Friday (5/7/2017).

Not only Megadeth, there will be other performers. Call it The Black Dahlia Murder, Abbath, Whitechapel, Seringai, Burgerkill, until the presence of a metal band from Bali, Trojan, who will perform at Hammersonic for the first time.

On the Hammersonic 2017 stage, Suckerhead will be the last stage on Soul of Steel: Krisna Sadrach Stage.

Edited :  

Tomorrow! Hammersonic 2017 Will Fire Up Jakarta

Jakarta - Southeast Asia's biggest metal music festival, Hammersonic will be held soon. Hammersonic 2017 will take a place at Eco Park Ancol and held tomorrow, Sunday, May 7, 2017.

All day long, metalheads with their hammer and tongs spirit will party together. This year, Hammersonic line up is live dangerously

Presence of Megadeth had already mentioned that they would make this concert is buzzing. The old metal band from United States which has just released album 'Dystopia' is the one of the most eagerly awaited appearance.

"Surely, this year is
main performer of  Mengadeth's, they are one of the living legends. Hopefully, every of our wishes can be covered here," said Stephanus Adjie from Revision Live Entertaiment in SCBD area, Friday (5/7/2017).

Not only Megadeth, other performers also in here. We can call it The Black Dahlia Murder, Abbath, Whitechapel, Seringai, Burgerkill, until the presence of a metal band from Bali, Trojan, that will perform at Hammersonic for the first time.

On the Hammersonic 2017 stage, Suckerhead will present the last stage performance on Soul of Steel: Krisna Sadrach Stage.